Part Of The Pelvis Crossword

Part of the pelvis crossword – Embark on a captivating journey into the realm of crosswords, where the enigmatic “part of the pelvis” takes center stage. Prepare to unravel the secrets of this anatomical enigma, decipher clever clues, and conquer the puzzle with ease.

As we delve into the intricacies of the pelvic region, we’ll explore its location, function, and the diverse variations that shape its crossword puzzle appearances.

Define the Part of the Pelvis

Crossword bones wordmint clue skeleton

The pelvis, a crucial structure in the lower body, comprises several interconnected bones that form a basin-like framework. Within this framework, various components play distinct roles in supporting the body’s weight, protecting vital organs, and facilitating movement. One such component is the __________, which occupies a specific location and serves unique functions within the pelvic region.

Location and Function

The __________ is a bone situated in the __________ portion of the pelvis. It forms part of the pelvic ring, providing structural stability and support to the entire pelvic region. Additionally, it plays a vital role in the attachment of muscles and ligaments, contributing to the overall mobility and stability of the pelvis and lower extremities.

Identify Common Part of the Pelvis Crossword Clues

Part of the pelvis crossword

Crossword puzzles often feature clues related to the parts of the pelvis. Recognizing these clues can help solvers identify the correct answers.

Clues Related to Pelvic Bones

  • “Hip bone”: Refers to the ilium, ischium, or pubis, which together form the hip bone.
  • “Pelvic girdle”: Refers to the bony structure formed by the two hip bones and the sacrum.
  • “Tailbone”: Refers to the coccyx, a small bone at the bottom of the spinal column.

Clues Related to Pelvic Cavities

  • “Abdominal cavity”: Refers to the space within the abdomen, which is bounded by the diaphragm, abdominal muscles, and pelvic floor.
  • “Pelvic cavity”: Refers to the space within the pelvis, which is bounded by the pelvic bones and pelvic floor.

Clues Related to Pelvic Muscles

  • “Buttock muscle”: Refers to the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, or gluteus minimus, which are located in the buttocks.
  • “Pelvic floor muscle”: Refers to the muscles that form the floor of the pelvis, such as the levator ani and coccygeus.

Explore Variations of the Part of the Pelvis

Part of the pelvis crossword

The part of the pelvis exhibits anatomical variations that can impact crossword puzzle clues and answers. These variations may arise due to genetic factors, developmental anomalies, or environmental influences.

Variations in Size and Shape

The size and shape of the part of the pelvis can vary significantly among individuals. This variation can affect the difficulty of crossword puzzle clues that rely on specific measurements or descriptions of the structure. For instance, a clue that mentions a “small and narrow” part of the pelvis may be more challenging for someone with a larger and wider structure.

Variations in Orientation

The orientation of the part of the pelvis can also vary. In some individuals, the structure may be tilted anteriorly (forward) or posteriorly (backward). This variation can affect the appearance of the structure on imaging studies and may impact the accuracy of crossword puzzle clues that rely on specific anatomical landmarks.

The ilium is a part of the pelvis, and it’s also a bone that forms the hip bone. If you’re looking for more information on the ilium or other parts of the pelvis, check out this article about Akbar and the elephant Hawai.

It’s a fascinating story about a Mughal emperor and his beloved elephant. After reading the article, you’ll be able to return to your crossword puzzle and confidently fill in the answer for “part of the pelvis.”

Variations in Bony Prominences

The part of the pelvis contains several bony prominences, such as the ischial tuberosity and the pubic tubercle. These prominences can vary in size and shape, which can affect the appearance of the structure and the accuracy of crossword puzzle clues that rely on these landmarks.

Provide Crossword Puzzle Solving Tips: Part Of The Pelvis Crossword

Part of the pelvis crossword

When faced with crossword clues related to the part of the pelvis, employing specific strategies can significantly enhance your chances of success. This involves leveraging cross-referencing, analyzing letter patterns, and utilizing other effective techniques to uncover the correct answer.


Cross-referencing is a crucial technique in crossword puzzle solving. By examining the intersecting words and their corresponding clues, you can gain valuable insights into the potential answer. For instance, if one clue asks for a “bony structure at the base of the spine,” and the intersecting word has the letters “AC” at the end, it’s highly likely that the answer is “SACRUM.”

Letter Patterns

Analyzing letter patterns can also prove beneficial. Pay attention to the sequence of letters in the clue and compare it to the potential answers. For example, if the clue mentions “three consecutive vowels,” and the answer has six letters, the answer must contain “AEI” or “EIO” in that order.

Other Techniques

In addition to cross-referencing and letter patterns, there are other helpful techniques to consider:

  • Elimination: Rule out unlikely answers based on the available letters and the context of the clue.
  • Guess and Check: If you’re stuck, make an educated guess and check if it fits the intersecting words.
  • Use a Dictionary: If all else fails, don’t hesitate to consult a dictionary for potential answers.

Create a Crossword Puzzle with Clues Related to the Part of the Pelvis

Pelvis quiz anatomy human pptx kb

To reinforce your understanding of the part of the pelvis, let’s engage in a fun activity by creating a crossword puzzle that specifically targets this topic.

The puzzle will comprise clues meticulously designed to test your knowledge of the different parts of the pelvis. Once you’ve completed the puzzle, we’ll provide the solution grid and answer key for your reference.

Crossword Puzzle Grid, Part of the pelvis crossword


  • The largest bone of the pelvis (5 letters)
  • The joint between the sacrum and ilium (6 letters)
  • The opening in the pelvis through which the fetus passes during childbirth (7 letters)
  • The muscle that supports the pelvic organs (6 letters)
  • The bone that forms the front of the pelvis (5 letters)


  • The groove on the ilium where the sacrum articulates (6 letters)
  • The foramen through which the obturator nerve and vessels pass (8 letters)
  • The ligament that connects the sacrum to the coccyx (7 letters)
  • The bone that forms the back of the pelvis (5 letters)
  • The joint between the femur and the pelvis (6 letters)

Answer Key





Query Resolution

What is the part of the pelvis?

In a crossword puzzle context, the part of the pelvis refers to the anatomical region that forms the lower part of the trunk and connects the legs to the spine.

How can I identify clues related to the part of the pelvis?

Common clues include terms like “hip bone,” “pelvic girdle,” “sacrum,” and “coccyx.”

What are some variations of the part of the pelvis?

Anatomical variations can include differences in the shape and size of the pelvic bones, as well as the presence of additional structures like the acetabulum.

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